I know almost everyone has seen the 'freezer' cooking floating around Pinterest. If you haven't it is really a neat concept. You plan out all your dinner's for a certain time frame (most are up to a month); then you go shopping for all that food!
Whoa; that's a lot of food! With any big project, there has to be a lot of planning involved. For me, the easist way is to gather all my recipes and dump all the ingrediants in a word file. I sort based on grown, packaged, and meat then I just total. For instance I have three reciepes that call for a pound of ground beef, I know I'll need three pounds of it total.
I try to search for local specials on my bulk items. Try and true, I normally end up going to Costco for my meat. In the future, I am hoping to buy a cow from the butcher and freeze it, but that's quite an upfront investment.
Today, I am going to be shopping and cooking for fourteen dinners - or two weeks of meals. I'm also going to incorp lunches by separating out sides to portions for easy throw together in the morning. Honestly, I have a lot of faith - I'm just a bit nervous about spending HOURS in the kitchen cooking non-stop.
So here's to this working. I'll post late tonight or early tomorrow morning on how this worked out. My bonus to you, I'll post all the recipes I use and update you on the flavor and how well it worked out for our family of three.
Wish me luck!
Whoa; that's a lot of food! With any big project, there has to be a lot of planning involved. For me, the easist way is to gather all my recipes and dump all the ingrediants in a word file. I sort based on grown, packaged, and meat then I just total. For instance I have three reciepes that call for a pound of ground beef, I know I'll need three pounds of it total.
I try to search for local specials on my bulk items. Try and true, I normally end up going to Costco for my meat. In the future, I am hoping to buy a cow from the butcher and freeze it, but that's quite an upfront investment.
Today, I am going to be shopping and cooking for fourteen dinners - or two weeks of meals. I'm also going to incorp lunches by separating out sides to portions for easy throw together in the morning. Honestly, I have a lot of faith - I'm just a bit nervous about spending HOURS in the kitchen cooking non-stop.
So here's to this working. I'll post late tonight or early tomorrow morning on how this worked out. My bonus to you, I'll post all the recipes I use and update you on the flavor and how well it worked out for our family of three.
Wish me luck!